The Child Murderer

“He’s smaller and practically helpless, I had to get my anger out on him. I wanted to hurt him.”

Eric Smith brutally murdered a 4 year old child in cold blood. The boys name was Derrick Robie.
Eric Smith was 13 at the time.

Im Teddy Mulvagh and you’re watching Notorious Crimes.

Eric lived in Savona, New York. A rural nice town and a great place to raise kids. People know each other. Small town gossip. Kids playing in the streets. Sunday bbq’s. About 900 people call it home. Normal life. Until…

August 2nd, 1993.
Derrick Robie, a blue-eyed blond haired nice kid, was walking to a day camp down the street form his home. I know. 4 years old is young to be alone. But it wasn’t far and he has walked this walk plenty of times. Straight shot down the street. This was also 1993. Kids were raised different. No smart phones.
Eric was at the same camp earlier that day. He was told to leave due to his bad behavior. So he got on his bicycle and rode home. On the way he sees Derrick. He tells him to follow him to a wooded area. Concealed. A bit hidden.

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